Proffessor Eliot and his three boys, Park, Hug and Nate are hawking his elixir. Mollie Farnum and her father are waiting for the stage to Pueblo. The boys attack that stage dressed as indians. The driver and Molly are killed. Farnum sees a scar on Hug's right hand. The boys are drinking at the Long Branch. Farnum comes in and sees the scar. Outside Farnum gets clunked on the head. Eliot is stirring the town against the indians. Hug says he and the boys will take care of the indians for $600. The town offers $300. They go looking for indians. They shoot three and bring them into town. The boys rob a train of $10,000 in gold. Farnum tells Matt the stage was robbed by white men, as he dies. Matt looks in Eliot's wagon. Matt tries to turn Hug against Eliot. Hug wounds Nate. Nate kills Hug. Park says he's leaving. Eliot's wagon returns to Dodge. Eliot goes to dig the gold up. Matt catches him. 2025