Sam tells matt the Pawnees killed and scalped a family. Matt and Chester go to look. They meet Captain Starr. Matt says he'd like to tag along. They find a man, woman, boy and little girl shot and scalped. Matt remarks every family was killed in the open. Matt says it wasn't indians. It was whites who did it for horses and whatever they could find. Matt and Chester get some horses by and old shack and make a fire to draw the murderers. Lee Stapp rides in to scope out the situation and offers his services. Matt knocks him out and Chester ties him up. Matt says there are six men coming in. We're going to ambush them. Matt and Chester open fire. Jake yells uncle. They say what are you doing shooting innocents. Matt shows them the yellow ribbon tied around the braid of the little girl's doll he took off Stapp. Stapp took it as a sourvenir. Jake told everyone to take nothing. 2025